Sculpting Secrets eBook mockup with a fitness planner and sample meal plan shown. "Understand how to utilize exercise and nutrition to optimize your goals and create your very own personalized workout plans!

Designed by Physical Therapist, Dr. Autumn Brabham

Learn the secrets that no one ever tells you about how to:

✔️ Achieve your weight loss goals

✔️ Improve your health by balancing blood sugar levels, relieving constipation or diarrhea, bloating, stomach pains, reducing chronic inflammation and high blood pressure

✔️ Increase your self-esteem by achieving your goals

✔️ Improve body image by stopping the cycle of obsessing over how you look or feel constantly

✔️ Stop wasting mental and emotional energy worrying about your health, your weight, what you should or shouldn’t be eating

✔️ Stop the binge eating cycle of guilt and shame that makes you stressed and leads to restrictive dieting followed by more binge eating

✔️ Improve your quality of sleep

✔️ Reduce stress when eating with family or friends

I Need This!

Keep reading to learn how you can start today!

Learn exactly why your past diets or workouts haven’t worked!

If you’re struggling to get results with your workouts or are looking for the ultimate solution, you are in the right place! Keep reading to learn how you can optimize your health to help you lose weight and be your most confident self! Here’s how I got started…

I probably started out right where you are: constantly obsessing about weight gain, struggling with cravings, not being consistent with workouts, stuck in fight or flight response with chronic inflammation and having low self-esteem.

Hey, I’m Autumn!

I am a licensed physical therapist with a passion for health and fitness but I haven’t always had a strong background in exercise. After 6.5 years of school and 2 degrees later, I’m determined to share all of my health and fitness tips and give women the confidence they need to start their own journey.

Keep reading for my full story.

Photo of Autumn with arms crossed against a black and grey wallpaper.

When I started undergrad with the goal of being a physical therapist, I had no idea what health and fitness was really about.

I believed all the lies about diet and exercise which ultimately left me feeling like it was impossible to keep up with eating all the right foods, doing all the right workouts all while working a part time job AND earning my degree. And I didn’t even mention having a social life….

I feared that I would NEVER feel confident in my skin or comfortable with my weight and how I looked without sacrificing everything I loved eating or my free time.

After gaining about 10 pounds during my freshman year, I spent years FORCING myself to run, logging every bit of food I ate and constantly fearing WEIGHT GAIN.

Going on vacations or being away from a gym made me obsessively worry about weight gain and feel the need to workout to make up for all the calories consumed.

To make matters worse, I HATED running. I dreaded going every single day but felt like it was the only way to prevent weight gain. I truly thought that was the only way to achieve a healthy and thin body.

Not long after graduating undergrad, I started an extremely stressful job that led me to my breaking point.

I began having some major digestive issues that I felt were controlling my life.

After a few doctor’s visits and some blood work, I found out my cortisol levels (AKA stress hormones) were through the roof. I was also beginning to have symptoms of hypothyroid and well on my way to developing Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder that attacks your thyroid.

My doctor explained the results, and I left that day in tears. I felt like I had been managing my stress well and taking care of myself, so how did I end up in this position? I spent the next few days reading as much as possible to figure out what I could do to fix the problem and here’s what I learned:

  1. I didn’t have the slightest clue about how to actually take care of my body from the inside out.

    I had been so focused on how diet and exercise made me look from the outside that I had totally been neglecting the inside. I was causing myself more stress trying to stick to a routine that I hated and it clearly showed in my bloodwork.

  2. Diet is more about what you put in your body than what you cut out.

    My diet focused strictly on the number of calories I ate…instead of what those calories consisted of. The food that I was consuming was contributing to inflammation, gut imbalances, mood swings, PMS, anxiety, to name a few.

    I firmly believe no one should ever have to do any crazy or restrictive diets to be healthy. First of all, it’s simply not sustainable because it’s not enjoyable. Unless you have a specific allergy or condition where you can’t eat certain foods, you should not have to cut anything out for good. A healthy diet is more about nourishing your body well.

  3. Exercise was increasing stress and inflammation in my body.

    My entire exercise routine was centered around weight loss. 2.5 years later I was forcing myself to run and actually GAINING WEIGHT!? I felt like my body was working against me and if I wanted to keep up, I had to run more and restrict more. This is just so far from the truth and actually makes your metabolism and cortisol levels worse. Exercise is all about getting your body moving and promoting a healthier lifestyle, NOT about losing weight.

    4. Stress has a bigger impact on your health and weight than what you eat or how much you exercise.

    I found myself in a never ending cycle of stress, anxiety, cravings, with more stress, TWICE over the last three years. Both times resulted in weight gain and the inability to lose weight when I did return to a healthy diet.

Within 6 months of implementing all of the strategies I learned, I was back to my GOAL WEIGHT, only working out 2 days a week while going to grad school full time and feeling more CONFIDENT than ever.

I didn’t have a ton of weight to lose but my mental health had so much to gain. In 2020, I was at the peak of my stress and feeling so uncomfortable in my skin constantly obsessing about my digestive issues, food, weight, and exercise.

In the Spring of 2021, I implemented some strategies that are FULL PROOF and have helped me maintain my current weight through some of the most stressful times. Now, I feel more confident than ever and I am able to maintain my health and weight without excessive workouts, stress, or restrictive dieting.

Are you wanting the same transformation and confidence without spending hours meal prepping or working out?

Learn the true secret to health that is guaranteed to work with a little time and consistency!

For the first time in my life I was actually starting to:

  1. Love my workout routine instead of dread it.

2. Enjoy eating healthy without feeling restricted.

3. Feel confident in my skin and clothes.

4. Eat out with family or friends without obsessing about food.

5. Have a normal digestive system without constipation or bloating.

6. Manage stress and a busy schedule on top of everything.

7. Get out of the fight or flight response and reduce inflammation.


I quit trying all of the fad diets that made me feel like I wasn’t strong enough to stop the cravings.

I quit looking up workout routines that left me wondering if I would ever really see results.

The best part is, YOU CAN DO IT TOO!

By understanding how your body works and implementing these simple strategies with a little bit of consistency, I have no doubt that you can build a life that is not only sustainable but gives you the confidence you’ve been looking for too!

For me, the benefits I experienced in my digestive health, anxiety and energy were enough to last a lifetime, and that was only the beginning.

As a Physical Therapist, I see so many women struggling with the SAME health issues…It’s time to stop the cycle and do something about it!

Does this sound familiar?

1. You feel like there has to be an easier way to be fit and healthy.

You find yourself wondering why others don’t seem to have the same problems with health diagnoses, food sensitivities, lack of energy to exercise, chronic inflammation, or mental stress. You’ve tried all the fad diets and workout challenges in the past but they’re all too restrictive so you end up giving up only a few weeks or months because you never see results.

2. You love the idea of being fit but have no idea where to start.

You’ve seen tons of workout ideas on Pinterest and maybe even tried a few but you don’t know which ones actually work. You don’t know if you are targeting the right muscle groups or just wasting a whole bunch of time on exercises that may be destructive.

3. You want to change your lifestyle but you feel like you’re just too stressed or tired of being disappointed.

Maybe you’re also a grad student and are having trouble adjusting to the never ending to-do list. Or maybe you’re a new mom and it just seems impossible to find time to learn what to do.

Sculpting Secrets: Transform Your Health From The Inside Out!

Learn all the secrets about living a healthy lifestyle that no one ever tells you!

+ All the steps on exactly how to do it!

The Sculpting Secrets Program includes:

Chapter one mockup image for laptop and ios mobile

Chapter One: Mindset Reset ($79 value)

Learn exactly how to erase all the lies you’ve ever heard about health and fitness. We will discuss how stress management is a major component of our health, the mindset needed for ultimate success, and how to create realistic goals for yourself.

Chapter two mockup image for laptop and ios mobile

Chapter Two: Exercise Basics ($97 value)

Here I will explain the physiology behind exercise, teach you multiple exercises for each muscle group for a totally balanced workout plan, and explain how to choose the best type of exercise for your lifestyle and your goals.

Chapter Three: Create Your Own ($115 value)

Apply everything you have learned to be able to create your own fitness plan tailored to your personal goals with my help. I will provide workout templates so you can customize each exercise, as well as the number of sets and reps, knowing that you are targeting the right muscles. Say goodbye to workout routines that don’t work or workouts that you dread!

Chapter Four: Nutrition Secrets ($67 value)

Here I tell you exactly how I optimized my health by eating foods that supported my workouts for the best results. Don’t worry, this does not include cutting carbs (or dessert for that matter)!

Bonus: 24/7 Access to me through email ($250 per hour value)

If there is anything you don’t understand, want more clarity on, or just have additional questions, you have my full permission to email me! You will receive a quick and well thought out individualized response directly from ME, not a virtual assistant.

* This alone is worth 5x the cost of this course

Bonus: Printable/Customizable Templates ($35 value)

Printables are included that allow you to customize your own workout plan digitally or on paper. You will also get a sample meal plan with a 5 days worth of meals and snack ideas.

This program is for you if:

  1. You are tired of the never ending cycle and looking for the ultimate solution to your health or weight loss issues.

    I know that constantly looking for the answer to your health or fitness related concerns leads to so much more stress, anxiety, weight gain, and an overall terrible quality of life. If you are tired of searching and ready to make lasting changes to your health, then this guide is definitely for you!

  2. You struggle to figure out what to do in the gym resulting in an inconsistent workout schedule.

    In my program, I will walk you through exactly how to create a workout plan that fits your schedule and your needs. Not only will I provide workout templates, but I will also give you all the information you need on how to choose exercises, set a starting weight to lift, and even how to progress your workouts. Having a plan before you go in the gym makes it that much easier to stick to a routine that you love and is sustainable!

  3. You lack experience and confidence in the gym and aren’t sure what exercises are safe or effective for your goals.

    Sculpting Secrets includes pictures of 40+ exercises with descriptions that tell you how to perform the exercise and what muscle is being targeted so that you can walk into the gym confident and with a plan. Injuries can often occur from performing exercises with improper form. So, I want to make sure you feel confident you are doing it correctly.

  4. You are stuck in a cycle of dieting that feels restrictive and unachievable constantly making you feel like you aren’t good enough.

    Sculpting Secrets is not an all-inclusive nutrition based guide. However, I have included a bonus section that describes how our body really utilizes those nutrient to fuel our workouts and support health related issues. I have also given you some practical tips to help you make choices that nourish your body without restricting or cutting calories excessively. If you are looking for some simple tips and a basic understanding of nutrition, along with a solid exercise routine, then you are in the right place!

  5. You have a high stress level and a busy schedule with a lack of motivation towards health and fitness.

    This right here is the entire reason I decided to write this eBook. As women, we somehow always seem to have a never ending to-do list and no time or energy to really figure this whole thing out. With Sculpting Secrets, my goal is to show you that regardless of your schedule, stress or motivation level, you can find a routine that works for you and gives you the confidence you deserve! In fact, a high stress level is the #1 reason you aren’t seeing results, so it’s time address what is going on.

This program is NOT for you if:

  1. You are at an intermediate or advanced workout level.

    Sculpting Secrets is designed to help beginners develop their own workout routines without needing a trainer to tell them what to do. This guide goes in depth on the basics of exercise physiology, how to utilize exercise to improve your health, and how to build workout routines. If you already have a consistent routine that you feel confident about, even if it is beginner level, this may not be the right guide for you! However, if you want a deeper understanding of why/how it all works within a holistic approach to health then you will definitely benefit!

  2. You are looking for recipes and meal plans ONLY.

    While Sculpting Secrets does include nutrition tips and a sample meal plan, a large portion of this guide is exercise based. I like to address health as a whole through mindset, exercise and nutrition, but if you are only looking for recipes, then this guide is not for you.

  3. You have an injury and are undergoing rehabilitation.

    As a physical therapist, it is important to me that I only include exercises that are safe and won’t set you up for an injury in the future. With that being said, the exercises I have included may not be safe for YOUR specific injury. It is important to be evaluated in-person by a physical therapist that can tailor a rehabilitation plan to you and your specific needs.

  4. You are looking for the next “quick-fix.”

    Natural & Nourished as a whole does not support a “quick-fix” mindset. A healthy lifestyle is more than just dieting and working out all the time. All of the information I share in Sculpting Secrets will help you build a healthy LIFESTYLE that is meant to last a LIFETIME. The goal of Natural & Nourished is not to tell you what to do with workouts or meal plans, but to educate and guide you so that you can decide for yourself and ultimately achieve/maintain the weight loss or health you want. The principles you will learn from my guide will help you create habits that are sustainable but will definitely not promise any quick results or replace treatment under a medical doctor for health issues.


  • Due to the nature of this content, no refunds will be allowed. I feel confident that after going through this guide, you won’t need one! :) Feel free to ask all the questions you need before purchasing!

  • Yes. Basic equipment like resistance bands and dumbbells can be used at home. I have included exercises that can be performed with equipment in a gym as well as exercises that require little to no equipment in the comfort of your home to fit every need.

  • Sculpting Secrets is for anyone who is tired of constantly “starting over” or feeling like they can’t achieve the weight or health they want no matter how many workouts or diets they complete. If you are feeling lost and confused in the fitness world due to a health diagnosis or chronic pain, then this is the perfect place for you!

    My complete guide will explain all of the background information you need to be informed to make your own workout plans and healthy lifestyle with full confidence that what you are doing is effective!

  • It would be nearly impossible to put all of the information I have learned over the past 6 years into a single eBook. BUT, as someone who asks A LOT of questions, I can promise you I do my best to address the ones that most people don’t. If for ANY reason you need more information or have a topic that is still confusing to you after you finish this program, I will be available by email and would love to help you out with no extra charge!

  • As a licensed physical therapist, it is within my scope of practice to promote health and wellness through exercise and nutrition that encourages healing and recovery. With that being said, I am not a medical doctor and I don’t know YOUR specific health problems. The Sculpting Secrets Program can not promise healing. Always consult with your doctor when trying a new diet or exercise routine.

  • Once you purchase the Sculpting Secrets Program, you can download immediately, directly from my website, and will have lifetime access with real time updates.

    You will also receive a confirmation email with a link and protected password that will allow you to view from the host website, Canva. You will not need to have an account or a membership to be able to view the guide with the link I will provide.

Sculpting Secrets eBook mockup with a fitness planner and sample meal plan shown. "Understand how to utilize exercise and nutrition to optimize your goals and create your very own personalized workout plans!

Everything you need to start your fitness journey all in one eBook!

  • 53 pages of science-backed information

  • 40+ exercises with pictures and descriptions

  • Customizable fitness planner and meal plan

  • 2 workout templates (upper and lower body)

  • 2 sample workouts (upper and lower body)

  • Bonus content: beginner performance nutrition, sample 5-day meal plan, health checklists, and more!

  • PLUS lifetime access to the eBook (so you’ll get all updates) and 24/7 access to me for ANY additional questions or help!


I Need This!

If you still have questions, feel free to contact me at or send me a message through this link.

I will respond within 48 hours!

P.S. If you haven’t heard from me within 24 hours, check your junk folder or contact me again as your message may not have been received.