The Secret to Understanding Macros for Beginners

Counting macros has been all the rage over the past several years in the fitness and nutrition world with keto/low-carb diets at the center of it all. In theory, it sounds like the perfect weight loss plan if you could only have enough discipline to cut out the carbs, right? It can be so overwhelming to read all of the conflicting information all while wondering if this is something you should be doing or if it’s even necessary to lose weight.

In this post, we will dive into everything you need to know about macros so you can have the foundation you need to make an informed decision based on your individual needs. So, what exactly are macros? And if there are macros, are there micros?

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The information shared through this website, emails, products and services is for informational and educational purposes only. It may not be the best fit for you or your personal situation. I am a Physical Therapist but I’m not your doctor. It shall not be construed as medical advice, nor as a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.


  • Protein

  • Carbohydrates

  • Fats


  • Vitamins

  • Minerals

  • Electrolytes

Macro is the shortened term for macronutrient, which just refers to a nutrient that you consume a lot of. Macros consist of protein, carbs, and fats that hold a much higher percentage of your diet compared to micronutrients.

Both are 100% necessary for survival and optimal function. This is why you see so many issues related to deficiencies because when your body is not getting the right amounts it can cause some rather frustrating problems. So, let’s dive in!



What comes to mind when you think about protein? Yes, it does work to build muscle and even help with recovery but why is it so important?

There are thousands of proteins in the body that are constantly working to repair and regulate body functions. Proteins are made of amino acids and can have many different functions as listed:

-       Repair tissues in the body

-       Maintain muscle mass

-       Transport molecules to other areas of the body

-       Aids in immune function

-       Builds structures in the body


These are some of the most important roles that protein plays in the body. Without this macro, your body would not be able to function well and ultimately would leave you feeling weak, undernourished, and unable to fight off sickness when your immune system is under attack.

Protein also plays a crucial role in maintaining muscle and burning fat with intense workouts. It is especially important to consume extra protein when you are stressing your muscles so that they have plenty of nutrients to be able to recover well.

On average, everyone should consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight each day. If you want to find out how many grams this is for you, just divide your weight in pounds by 2.2 and that will tell you how many kilograms you weigh. Then multiply that number by 0.8 and you will have how many grams of protein you should consume each day to prevent protein deficiency.

This is a very basic calculation for the average person who isn’t doing strenuous workouts. For someone who is active regularly, it is better to consume 1.2-2.0 grams per kilogram of body weight.

I highly recommend adding some sort of quality protein supplement into your diet whether that is a protein bar or shake and eating protein at each meal.



This one is my favorite because who doesn’t love some good carbs? Personally, I do not believe you have to cut carbs to lose weight, feel your best, or get quality nutrition. If you love carbs and can’t picture life without them, you don’t have to put yourself through the torture every day. Not to mention, it’s not always sustainable, especially if you enjoy plenty of fruits and vegetables.

HOWEVER, cutting carbs for short periods of time for very specific health benefits like reducing inflammation can be super beneficial. I don’t recommend cutting carbs strictly for weight loss because the weight often comes right back once you start eating carbs again.

The good news is, if you are eating the right kinds of carbs you don’t have to!

First you should understand how this works. There are two different kinds of carbohydrates: simple carbs and complex carbs.

Simple carbs are the one that are not healthy for you to have all the time. This is mainly because they cause extremely high spikes in blood sugar which lead to a crash shortly after. Mood swings can often result. Not to mention, consistently having high spikes in blood sugar is what leads to insulin resistance. Which basically means your body can’t produce enough insulin to keep up with the amount of sugar you are consuming to it stops making it. This is what leads to diabetes and weight gain. Simple carbs can be found in foods like baked goods, white bread, pastas, and highly processed foods.

As you consume sugar, (remember: carbs turn to sugar in your body) your pancreas releases insulin to try to bring the sugar levels down. In a normal person, the more sugar you consume, the more insulin that is released. If your body is constantly consuming very high amounts of sugar, it ultimately causes your pancreas to wear out and produce less insulin over time which keeps your glucose levels high in your blood, also known as diabetes.

Complex carbs are the healthy ones. These carbs still turn to sugar in your body but don’t cause extremely high spikes in sugar levels because they are released slowly after you consume them. The main reason the sugar is able to be released slowly is because of the high fiber content.

For example, whole grain bread has a high fiber content compared to white bread which makes it a healthier option because it won’t cause a huge spike in blood sugar. And there are tons of substitutions that make the switch so easy and sustainable.

Some great sources of carbs include:

-       Sweet potatoes

-       Whole or multi grain bread

-       Brown rice

-       Beans

-       Quinoa

-       Whole grain or chickpea pasta

-       Bananas

-       Vegetables



Many people think they must be on a low-fat diet to lose weight, but this is actually a huge mistake! Fats are so important for hormone regulation and energy in the body. This is why low-fat diets can be very dangerous.Much like carbohydrates, there are two main types: saturated and unsaturated fats.

To understand how these two different fats impact your health, I’ll explain how cholesterol works. Cholesterol includes high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and low-density lipoproteins (LDL). The HDL has previously been known as “good” cholesterol and LDL as the “bad” cholesterol. However, it’s important to understand that you want to have plenty of cholesterol because it is a precursor to each hormone that your body needs.

Unfortunately, much of the research regarding cholesterol and it’s relationship to heart disease is inaccurate. Consuming high amounts of saturated fats may raise your LDL, known as “bad” cholesterol, levels, but that doesn’t mean it leads to heart disease. In fact, research studies show that 50% of patients in the hospital with heart disease have perfectly normal LDL levels. This makes ZERO sense if high LDL levels lead to heart disease.

If you are consuming high quality fats like grass-fed beef, butter, and dairy, as well as those in avocados, olive oil, nuts, and seeds, you are actually consuming incredible sources of vitamins and minerals that you can’t get from vegetables alone.

So What Does This Mean For You?

This means that you can stop yoyo dieting and going on extremely restrictive diets that drastically affect the normal day to day functions in your body. Unfortunately, there is no quick fix when it comes to weight loss. BUT, the good news is: if you implement what you’ve learned here and focus on nourishing your body instead of weight loss, over time you WILL see results. Not to mention, stress affects our weight just as much if not more than what we eat. To learn more about the role stress plays in weight loss, check out this post. It takes time for our bodies to heal from the crazy diets we put them through but if you are consistent and trust in the process, you will get long lasting results that actually are sustainable!


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