7 Easy Breakfast Recipes That Support Healthy Digestion and Nutrition

Choosing a healthy breakfast is so important in nutrition because it can really help with digestion and stable energy levels throughout they day. It is crucial that your first meal of the day has enough protein, fat, carbs, and fiber. If you are unsure how to create a quick breakfast recipe with a good balance of these, then you are in the right place! Keep reading below for some simple breakfast ideas and learn how a nutritious breakfast can prepare your body to function well throughout the rest of your day.

In this post we will cover:

  • How to use macros to address blood sugar spikes

  • Examples of healthy fats and proteins

  • How a healthy breakfast helps with digestion

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The information shared through this website, emails, products and services is for informational and educational purposes only. It may not be the best fit for you or your personal situation. I am a Physical Therapist but I’m not your doctor. It shall not be construed as medical advice, nor as a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

I like to stick to the general rule of including healthy carbs, fats, and proteins at every meal. But first, you need to understand why this is so important before we discuss recipes. If counting calories and macros isn’t your thing, don’t worry! You can still benefit by using a rough estimate throughout your meals because the goal here isn’t strict dieting. By balancing out your macros, you can avoid cravings and the never-ending snacking that seems to always hit right after dinner.

How to use macros to address blood sugar spikes

I simply can’t talk about meal plans without discussing this EXTREMELY important part of balanced eating. When you eat foods with a high sugar content or even refined carbs like white bread, your blood sugar spikes causing a release of insulin. When insulin is being released in high amounts throughout the day it can cause your hormones to go crazy and only encourages more cravings in an attempt to regulate everything.

The best way to avoid this is by choosing carbs that have a higher fiber content and lower glycemic index, and I don’t mean wheat bread. Wheat bread has actually been shown to have the same number on the glycemic index as white bread which ultimately causes the same sugar spike. Multigrain bread can be a great substitute here because it tends to have a higher fiber content which slows blood sugar spikes. Not to mention, when combined with healthy fats and proteins, the spike in blood sugar and insulin response is blunted.

So, what are healthy fats and proteins?

Healthy fats can include eggs, butter, avocado, olive oil, nut butters, and fatty fish. Protein can also come from eggs, nut butters, and fatty fish with the addition of chicken, ground beef, and Greek yogurt to name a few. Most of these can easily be incorporated into your meals to create a delicious and nutritious breakfast.

How can a healthy breakfast help with digestion?

Digestion is extremely important for your health as well as achieving any weight loss goals you may have. It is important to keep things moving and not allow toxins to build up in your digestive tract. The best way to do this is by eating a good amount of fiber and drinking enough water to keep that fiber moving along. For example, the recommended amount of fiber daily is 25 grams for women and 35 grams for men. Any more than this might cause bloating and discomfort without enough water intake. I like to stick to no more than 25 grams to avoid these issues while still making sure to drink at least 64 oz of water daily.

 Eating a balanced breakfast is so important because it is literally the first meal that “breaks” the “fast.” If you always start your day with a sugary bowl of cereal, then you could be setting your digestive system up for failure. Meals with a high sugar content cause blood sugar spikes and can wreak havoc on your digestive function for the rest of the day.

 As I mentioned earlier, high fiber from multigrain bread can be a great way to reach your daily amount. When paired with healthy fats and proteins that support regulated hormones, digestion shouldn’t be an issue. Below I’ve provided examples of ways you can create a balanced breakfast.

Balanced Breakfast Ideas

1. Yogurt Bowl

Meal: A single serving of Greek yogurt with low sugar whole grain granola and a tablespoon of peanut butter or nuts.


- Chobani has a great zero sugar Greek yogurt that is a high source of protein.

- Kind granola is a great source of carbs that is typically low sugar depending on the flavor and has plenty of nutrients, clean ingredients, and fiber. Sprinkle a tablespoon or 2 on top.

- Choose a peanut butter that only has peanuts and/or salt in the ingredients to avoid extra processed and unnecessary oils to get in your healthy fats.

2. Oatmeal and Eggs

Meal: ½ serving of steel cut oats, a tablespoon of peanut butter, with ½ banana and cinnamon, side of 2 eggs


- Eating ½ a serving of oats and banana keeps the calories under 500 but still provides the carbs and fiber that you need

- Adding in the eggs allows for a good amount of protein and healthy fat in addition to the peanut butter

- I like to add a little bit of cheese and Everything but the Bagel Seasoning to my eggs which is the perfect finishing touch!

Learn why a healthy and nutritious breakfast is so important and can support digestion. With little to no meal prep you can have a nutritious breakfast that fuels your day while supporting healthy weight loss and wellness.

Photo by Dane Deaner

3. Pancakes

Meal: 1 serving of Kodiak pancake mix with a tablespoon of peanut butter


- Kodiak is a great brand for clean ingredients and provides mixes that contain high amounts of protein with healthy carbs

- You can always opt to make your own pancake mix with oats and protein powder

- If you aren’t a big fan of peanut butter on your pancakes like I am, you can also substitute eggs or cook your pancakes on a griddle with olive oil to get your healthy fat in

- Use pure maple syrup or a sugar free syrup with few ingredients to avoid excessive sugar.

Learn how you can create a easy and healthy breakfast recipe that supports digestion and nutrition without tons of meal prep or cutting out your favorite foods. Support a healthy lifestyle with lots of protein and fiber-rich foods!

Photo by Nasia M.

4. Breakfast Sandwich

Meal: Multigrain English muffin or sliced bread with 2 eggs, avocado, bacon, and cheese


- Choose a natural bacon without nitrates or preservatives

- Cheese is always optional but definitely allowed and doesn’t have to be unhealthy in moderation

Here you will find the best quick and simple breakfast recipes that are healthy and nutritious. Support a good digestive system with protein and fiber-rich foods so you can say goodbye to mid-day sugar crashes!

Photo by Alison Marras

5. Breakfast Smoothie

Meal: Chocolate protein powder, 1 banana, spinach, PB2 powder


- Spinach is tasteless in smoothies so why not get in some veggies too!

- PB2 powder taste just like peanut butter in smoothies and is a lower calorie option but again is optional

- Avocado can also be added for fats if you opt out of peanut butter or if your protein powder doesn’t have fat

Everyone loves a delicious healthy smoothie that support healthy digestion and wellness goals! Find the best simple breakfast recipes that will keep you feel energized all day long!

Photo by Louis Hansel

6. Classic Breakfast

Meal: 2 eggs, multigrain toast, and sausage or bacon


- Add some strawberry preserves or avocado to the toast for added flavor

7. Quiche

Meal: Quiche


- There are plenty of healthy crust recipes out there that use almond flour and other healthy substitutes

- You can always make it crustless as a time saver and add carbs back in with toast

- Add spinach, peppers, onions, green chiles and ground beef for lots of flavor.

If you are looking for clean breakfast recipes that support your health and fitness goals that are quick and easy then you are in the right place! Learn why a healthy digestive system is so important and how you can support it with a good breakfast.

Photo by Sergio Arze

Bonus: Overnight Oats

Meal: Steel cut oats, Greek yogurt, chia seeds, vanilla and cinnamon combined in almond milk


- The possibilities are endless just combine oats and almond milk then you can add pretty much any other topping for flavor

- Greek yogurt is key for protein and fats can come from peanut butter or added nuts

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