6 Simple Ways to Improve Your Diet and Your Health Today

Most of us want to eat healthier, be more active and just have a healthier lifestyle overall, but sometimes it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Busy schedules, birthday parties, and holidays can really throw us off of our diet and workout routine, leaving us feeling like there is never a good time to “start a diet.”

Well, the good news is that you don’t have to “go on a diet” to lose weight or simply live a healthier lifestyle. There are plenty of ways you can make small sacrifices for healthier choices instead of feeling deprived on an overly restrictive diet. Below, you will find simple and practical ways you can start making healthier decisions for your life that don’t require a ton of planning or restriction!

The information shared through this website, emails, products and services is for informational and educational purposes only. It may not be the best fit for you or your personal situation. I am a Physical Therapist but I’m not your doctor. It shall not be construed as medical advice, nor as a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis and/or treatment.

  1. Limit Sugar Intake

    There is a reason limiting sugar intake is #1 on the list. The amount of sugar consumed in the average American diet is outrageous and absolutely contributes to obesity, diabetes, weight gain, hormonal imbalances, acne, anxiety, depression and more. High amounts of sugar causes huge spikes in blood sugar which increases cortisol (the stress hormone) and can cause sleep disturbances. Frequent disruptions in sleep can affect hormones, moods, and your overall health.

    Sugar found in fruits is less likely to have this affect because of the fiber content. When sugar or carbs is consumed along with fiber, the release of glucose into the bloodstream is slower and doesn’t cause a huge spike in blood sugar like you might have after drinking a milkshake. Unfortunately, sugar is found in almost everything these days. So, how can you really limit your sugar intake?

    The first thing you need to do is become familiar with the foods and beverages that often have hidden sugar and monitor your intake throughout the day. The recommended daily amount of added sugar is 24 grams per day. Note that the sugar in fruit is not considered “added” sugar. Added sugar is exactly what it sounds like: sugar that is added to a product that wasn’t naturally there to begin with.

    The scary thing is, you could avoid all desserts and still easily exceed the 24 grams per day if you aren’t careful. Below I have listed out common food items that have hidden sugars so you can pin and refer back to if needed.

Added sugars can wreak havoc on your health! The worst part is, they are hidden in many common foods and beverages and we don't even realize it! Save this pin for later so you can refer back to this list of food that contain added sugars!

Once you are familiar with these items, you can make smarter decisions for your health. For example, simply checking the nutrition label on protein bars can be a huge game changer. I have seen so many bars that have 30+ grams of sugar which is easily over the daily limit with one snack. Another important substitution you might consider for sodas is Olipop, which is a great, healthy substitution without the added sugar! In addition, limiting alcohol to only 1-3 drinks per week instead of per night can make a huge difference. You can also limit dessert to one time per week or find a low sugar substitute that can be enjoyed more often. Simply limiting how many pre-packaged foods and baked goods you eat can help significantly.

2. Eat More Vegetables

Making healthier choices isn’t all about what you cut out of your diet but also what you add in! Vegetables have plenty of phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals that promote healing and help your body function well overall. When we take vegetables out or drastically limit how often we consume them, we are forcing our bodies to function without all of the proper nutrients that it needs. Depriving the body of nutrients is a stressor, which can increase inflammation in the body and even prevent weight loss. So next time you want to order fries as a side, try substituting a sweet potato or some veggies on the side. If you are a picky eater, sneaking some vegetables into a protein smoothie can be a great start!

3. Increase Your Protein Intake

Protein is great for maintaining muscle mass, repairing the body, and keeping you feeling full longer and many of us don’t consume near enough of it. Simply supplementing with a protein bar or shake, or making sure protein is included at every meal can be a great way to start improving your diet. Choose lean proteins such as chicken, ground turkey, or lean beef and make sure protein bars aren’t loaded with tons of calories you don’t need.

4. Be More Active

Some of us just aren’t into going to the gym and doing an organized workout. And that’s totally ok! It may be shocking to hear a physical therapist say that but don’t get too comfortable just yet! I still believe being active is one of the most important things you can do for your health! Sitting is the new smoking and can lead to plenty of problems later on down the road. So it is still crucial to stay active but you don’t necessarily have to go to a gym to do that!

If you have younger kids at home, you can take them to the park and actually play with them instead of watching from the park bench. Or, take them on a bike ride around the neighborhood. If you don’t have young kids, maybe you can take your dog on walks or buy a small treadmill you can walk on while watching TV. These tips are especially important if you have a very sedentary job.

Cardio is great for our cardiovascular health, but it is also important to incorporate some sort of strengthening into your day as well. Aging can drastically decrease muscle mass if we aren’t proactive in keeping it, so it’s especially important if you want to be a healthy and active when grandkids come along one day. For some of us, it’s not difficult to keep our strength because our job may require plenty of heavy lifting and physical activity. But for others, it can be more of a challenge. If this is you, it may be time to bite the bullet and start a strengthening routine at home or at the gym.

5. Stay Hydrated

This one is pretty straightforward but if you are struggling to get enough water throughout the day (at least half of your body weight in ounces), it can really impact your health. Obviously the body needs water to repair, heal, and support body functions. So try drinking at least one cup of water every two hours or if your schedule doesn’t allow for that, drink larger amounts with each meal.

6. Manage Stress

At times in our life, stress may be completely unavoidable. During these times, it is especially important to take a day off every now and then to rest and recover, or use free time to take care of yourself rather than mindlessly scrolling for an hour. Stress management can look different for everyone. Sometimes it can be as simple as doing an activity you enjoy. Other times, you may be so stressed that you find yourself in an unhealthy cycle that seems impossible to get out of. Trust me I have been there. During these times, do whatever you can to keep your health up. Eat well, stay active, get plenty of sleep, and talk about your struggles. If you give in to unhealthy cravings, stop exercising, and stop prioritizing sleep, it will inevitably catch up with you until you are forced to stop.

If there is no end in sight, it may be time to make some big changes because no amount of stress is worth sacrificing your health and well being.

If you would like some additional tips on how to live a healthier lifestyle, you can sign up now and get the FREE FITNESS GUIDE! This guide has some great tips on improving your fitness level and supporting a healthy lifestyle in an easy to read format!


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